June 23, 2011

.lacy burnout t thursday.

A pretty ordinary day! Another day at work and coming home to fill out a job application to Dutch Bros for a second job opportunity! I found this little get away on Tumblr. today and thought it was gorgeous! A small area perfect for relaxing, reading, or hanging out with friends! All the pillows and light fabrics make it a warm and inviting place to relax! Of course living in tri-cities everything would get blown away with the  wind! Or my second home in Seattle, everything would just get wet from the rain all the time! It is beautiful!

I've been dying for some way to give my hair some volume. I've tried shampoos, but still not the volume I've been hoping for. So I tried a new hair spray and it worked incredibly! Pantene's light hairspray gives volume to fine hair and adds texture. I would recommend it to anyone who is looking to add volume but has finer hair.

Todays outfit for the day:

{Necklace:: T.J.Maxx // Lacy t:: Maurices // Black Strait Jeans:: Old Navy // Ballet Flats:: Madden Girl}


  1. Well I love the wild kinda style with your hair, it matches your shirt style!! cool

  2. wow, you look so different in this picture! :) but as Jayanah already said, the wildness (I hope this word exists ;)) suits you! :)
