October 10, 2011

.starting the day of right.

I saw this post going around on facebook this morning and loved it! This is sooo true! What do you think?

Today I didn't have classes, so I spent the morning studying, having an awesome prayer time with coffee in the coffee cup Tim made me, and doing a few chores. I worked this afternoon, hence why my entire outfit is Ann Taylor today! OH!!! AND IT'S MY BROTHERS 17th BIRTHDAY!!! Happy birthday little bro! Called and chatted with him a few minutes!

I absolutely love this sweater! The buttons are on the back! So cute....

{sweater:: Ann Taylor // Crops:: Ann Taylor // Heals:: Target}

1 comment:

  1. That Urkel pic is SO funny! It is so true!!

    I love your work outfit, especially the shoes! Sounds like you had a great day, and I hope you have a great week!
