September 30, 2011

.comfy denim shirt day.

What a wonderful day today! Perfect fall weather -- sunshine and a slight chill in the air! Didn't do any homework because I've suffered the past few nights so I wouldn't have to do it today. Hosting two girls interested in Northwest University has been fun! Took one of the girls to improv and Bubble Tea and had a great time! Lot's of laughs. I had a pumpkin spice latte today from Starbucks to end my month of store bought coffees and start the month of October in which I will not be buying ANY coffee. I can make it myself -- but no easy made for me and bought coffee. The challenge begins!

I've been dying to find and wear a denim shirt! I finally found one from H&M for $20 that was absolutely perfect! I can wear it with leggings, tied up, tucked in to jeans....

It was Thursday, I haven't had much sleep, had only a few classes, and was going to be hanging out with two girls who I was hosting for the night! Occasion seemed perfect for this comfy, yet cute outfit!


  1. you abviously lost some weight!!! did you?

  2. Not that I know of! I haven't been doing anything to do so! Maybe the leggings are just slimming?
