September 21, 2011

.my life beyond fashion.

It's midnight and I have homework ahead of me, coming off a 6 hour shift at work! Today the lady at Starbucks asked if I wanted an extra shot. After hesitating and deciding yes, she replied "I thought so." What does that mean? haha I needed to blog though. Yes I know this is supposed to be a fashion blog, and I haven't blogged fashion for a while, but sometimes my life goes much more than fashion. Sometimes I just need time to reflect and think about my "inner fashion" (yes-- cheesy I know) instead of what I'm wearing on the outside.

I'm so incredibly blessed. Though with this schedule of mine, it's a constant reliance on God to get me through each day. Little things come up and I ask why? ... Yet it is still God that gets me through each day. I've decided I need one night a week to me. 100% me. Not me and homework, not me and friends -- just me and wherever I decide to place myself. Whether that is in my room listening to worship music, painting my nails, reading magazines, and scrapbooking... or at a thrift store somewhere wandering around the wonderful treasures! It's gonna be my night. Even if it's just for a couple hours....

I miss Tim. We both have crazy schedule's right now, so even though we are in the same city, even at the same school, we hardly ever get to see each other except for a few minutes when each of us are passing and going in different directions. I appreciate what we have though. I know this season will pass, so in the mean time take advantage of each moment.

liz rose

1 comment:

  1. I love this post & am keeping you in my prayers!
