October 19, 2011

.10 short thing's I've learned from college.

While talking with a friend today who's going through her first year of college, I realized just how much I have learned from when I first started college! Here are a few things::

1) The dorms are usually only really hot for the first two weeks of school, after that -- they are freezing!

2) Study in intervals of 20 minutes. As in study, take a snack break, paint your nails, straighten your room, change laundry, make some coffee... do something besides study. You remember things better when it's in short intervals.

3) Don't worry -- seriously. Things will work out. Whether it's your major, the homework pile on your desk stacked high and due the next day, it will get done. So don't stress. Just trust God.

4) Keep up on your dishes - because mold develops quicker then your realize.

5) Stay up on projects -- don't save them for the last minute

6) Take time to have fun. Whether that means doing your homework a little later, just take a break to develop relationships.

7) Make time for yourself - not you and your friends, you and your homework - time for you to do what you want and relax.

8) {ET} Phone Home

9) Always have backup food in your room for days when the caff just wont do.

10) Volunteer & work -- do things connected to what you want to do!

Just a few short thoughts! Mod Pizza and pumpkin carving tonight with  tim! It was really fun!

1 comment:

  1. Great tips! Can be very perfectly applied to my senior year! :)
    Miss you!
    Btw, you and Tim are beautiful together! :)
